Buffeted by the full might of the Emperor's will unclothed in flesh, a cloak had been ripped from Guilliman's eyes. In the veins of every Sanguinary Priest flow a portion of Sanguinius's own blood. He still however maintained his view that faith was central to the human psyche and that it was still plausible that his views could be validated. These priests are the epitome of the noble character of Sanguinius's heirs. Mirrorswords allow for a greater number of blows to be made by the wielder in melee combat, compared to other Aeldari warriors who also wield dual close combat weapons. Having lost everything, Falkus turned to those he could trust. He held it. [3] Honour Guard wear gold helmets. It is better this way, for those who do survive almost always fall victim to the Red Thirst, turning into creatures no better than wild beasts craving flesh and blood. Sanguinius and the Blood Angels raced directly for Terra, as was their destiny, while Guilliman and Lion El'Jonson led the Ultramarines and Dark Angels in diversionary attacks against Horus' blockade. Despite their best efforts, the World Eaters consistently failed to subjugate worlds within this set time limit. Riddled with guilt over what he had done to save his Legion, Corax locked himself away within his sanctum, the Raven's Tower, for a standard year. He had barely even raised his voice, as the absolute authority in his tone was all that was required. Where other power weapons emit a constant energy field, the Thunder Hammer is designed to energise the power field only upon impact, enabling it to conserve energy until it is actually needed, and allowing the weapon to deliver a particularly devastating blow. The company is led into battle and directed towards the foe by the Chapters Chaplains. Ka'Bhanda further tempts Sanguinius once more, to join the forces of Khorne and destroy Kyriss and rule the Signus Cluster. This process soon repeated itself again and again, with the IXth being cast into a hellish warzone only to emerge as they had before. Angron leading his Legion against the Loyalists during the Horus Heresy. Angron had spent much of the 10 millennia following the Horus Heresy attempting to restore some level of unity amongst the divided warbands of what had once been his XIIth Legion of Space Marines. yet, for all of the Vengeful Spirit 's size and strength, only a handful of warriors populated the Battleship's halls. He proved to be a troublesome champion, prone to escape attempts whenever he saw an occasion, but such efforts always failed. This attitude was reversed in desperation after Horus was critically injured by the Chaos-corrupted Imperial Planetary Governor Eugen Temba upon the XVI Legion's return to the world of Davin. Abaddon narrowed his eyes and asked, "He?" All of the Traitor Legionaries present had long been inured to horror, for it was not the abundance of flesh heresy taking place inside the chambers that brought them to a halt. Finally, sickened by how far the Legion had fallen, he stalked through the ruins hunting down his fellow captains, cooling his rage with their final screams. Sanguinius stated he hoped he could live up to leading his sons, and that he would stand with them whatever may come be it glory or damnation. "They shall be my sons, and in them will live the hopes of a unified Humanity. The Legionaries struck the enemy ship's hull. Who fought to purge its territory of aliens and expand its borders? Lorgar repulsed him with a projected burst of telekinesis, weak and wavering, but enough to send his brother staggering. They would form a new Legion -- forged as they desired, not as slaves to the Emperor's will and cast in the image of His flawed Primarchs. He listened well to the counsel of his warriors, learned from his mistakes, and considered every action before committing to it. Yet in the countless generations since the Heresy, genetic deterioration in the Blood Angels gene-seed have seen an increase in this flaw. Whilst we fight, we prevail. A few turned their back on Abadodn, and were either cut down by their brothers or managed to escape into the Warp. When asked why the Emperor had allowed the primarchs to call Him "father" although He professed to feel no such filial attachment, the Emperor told the ancient story of the puppet named Pinnochio who had sought to become a real boy. The same power weapons available for use by the servants of the Emperor are also employed by those who dedicate their souls to the Ruinous Powers, as most mortal servants of Chaos are Humans native to the Imperium of Man who have turned their back on the Golden Throne. Had they, in fact, been warnings that no one had heeded?". [Needs Citation], Lorgar was an unusually pious Primarch. He explained that it was only natural for any creation to refer to its creator as father. "Wiry, copper-red hair curled away from a high brow, pale eyes sat deep behind cheekbones that angled down like axe-strokes to an aquiline nose and a broad, thin-lipped mouth. He knew its location -- the Radiant Worlds -- located in the Eleusinian Veil on the far age of the Eye, near Imperial space, beyond the massive Warp phenomena known as the Firetide. The Wrathful and Fireblade made the transition as well, but the Furious Abyss deployed a psionic mine which disturbed the Warp, causing the Fireblade's Gellar Field to fail, and the ship was torn apart by the forces of the Immaterium.[5]. Blood, live rounds and bared blades, fighting pits and gladiatorial combat; these were the methods now used to test the mettle of the Primarch's gene-sons, to make them more brutal and efficient killers, in the image of their genetic father. The power unleashed on impact is such that a warrior not in Terminator Armour will likely be knocked over. They were, for unknown reasons, deliberately expunged along with the Astartes of their Legions from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. Finally, the Tenth Company is composed of the Chapter's scouts, aspirants who have not yet earned their place as full-fledged Marines of the Chapter. Horus, also called Horus Lupercal, or more simply The Lupercal during his lifetime by the Astartes of his Luna Wolves Legion, was one of the 20 genetically-engineered primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind from the foundation of His own DNA before the start of the Great Crusade to lead the armies of the newborn Imperium of Man. [11], As the Heresy unfolded, the Word Bearer ship Furious Abyss set off for Ultramar right after its construction was completed on the Jovian moon of Thule. Infused with the might of Chaos, the Black Legion grew in power and glory during the 1st Black Crusade. With the beast towering over him he taunted at it, Come at me again, daemon! This energy field allows the blade to carve through flesh, bone and most forms of armour plate alike, making a power sword a highly effective Imperial close combat weapon. After partaking it, they fall into a coma and are entombed by the Blood-Servitors inside the caskets of the Hall of the Sacrophagi. As the Vengeful Spirit moved closer to their intended target they were beset by an unrelenting barrage from the Emperor's Children fleet which ringed the massive flagship. When Abaddon ascended to command of the Sons of Horus, not every warrior of the XVIth Legion swore allegiance to him. Almost at once, the tower's guardians set upon them, ancient constructs of dark energy that shifted and flickered, their claws tearing at the ragged edges of his warriors' souls. Once they were bound by brotherhood and fought only to win. Of his own Legion, he felt no need to save them from their petty fate. These same captains knew that any fortress, no matter how grand, could not hope to hold back a determined Space Marine assault, and called for more warriors to be found. However, blood is much more satisfying when taken directly from the body of a living person. While other Legions took some time to acquire formal names, the XVIIth was named the Imperial Heralds almost immediately after their founding. Yet, ultimately, it was the primarchs' flaws that doomed the Imperium to the nightmare of the Horus Heresy and 10,000 standard years of stagnation, decay, repression and endless war. Guilliman guided the battle from the command deck of Courage Above All, and had decided that the Fidelitas Lex would die first, killed in the death of a thousand cuts and swept from the game board, while the Conqueror would be boarded and killed from within. The rebels had died to a man in his absence. The most commonly occurring structure is that roughly equating to a Space Marine company, with the Host broken down into units of about twelve warriors. Many foes confronted by the gathered Blood Angels Legion hosts were overcome with dread and awe, and capitulated without hesitation. The Traitor Legions basked in their return from the Eye of Terror, bathing in the blood of innocent worlds and filling the holds of their voidships with slaves. The Word Bearers, originally known as the Imperial Heralds and the Iconoclasts, is the XVII Legion of the original twenty Space Marine Legions. Thunder Hammers are weapons of ancient design, utilising a power field similar to a power sword or fist, and used by Space Marines and the Daemonhunters of the Ordo Malleus, primarily by Terminator Assault Squads and characters with access to the relevant armoury. Yet the primarchs, for all their expressed superiority and seeming immortality, were still men, and they possessed too many of the same Human flaws that have bedeviled Mankind since the birth of the species. Abaddon intends to drive the speartip of his Traitor Legions deeper and deeper into the Segmentum Solar, numberless daemon hordes sowing utter destruction in his wake. The XVI Legion devolved into in-fighting amongst themselves, giving in to dark despair or uncontrolled rage. Angron led the World Eaters personally in the first surface assault on Istvaan III to destroy the remaining Loyalist Astartes of the four original Traitor Legions, including his own Loyalist World Eaters, who had survived the traitorous virus-bombing of Istvaan III's planetary capital of the Choral City by Horus' orbiting fleet. Angron soon earned the nickname the "Red Angel" for the bloody atrocities committed across the width and breadth of the galaxy. If they discovered he was doomed to die before the Great Crusade's end, it would annihilate what little morale remained amongst the Space Marine Legion then still called the War Hounds. However, outside its entrance, Sanguinius was faced with the single greatest foe who would have the greatest effect on his Legion and its descendants down the millennia; Ka'Bandha, Greater Daemon and Bloodthirster of Khorne. Not least of the XIIth Legion's detractors was Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, who fought beside Angron and his Legion during the Cleansing of Arigatta and saw at first hand the bloodbath they left in the wake of their attack on the Basalt Citadel, where the last defenders of this non-Compliant Human world had made their stand. [1], The largest known Host numbered over two thousand Chaos Marines at its peak. Squads are led into battle by a Sergeant or a Veteran Sergeant and consist of four to nine Battle Brothers. This prodigious Warp Storm would deny needed reinforcements to the Loyalists as Horus drove on Terra in an attempt to overthrow the Emperor of Mankind. [7b], Encouraged by Erebus and Kor Phaeron, who had in truth already fallen to worship of the Ruinous Powers, Lorgar came to realise that all of the belief systems which featured in countless other human cultures across the galaxy shared a common origin and underlying message. Without either Primarch giving an order, the two Space Marine Legions fought. These crude neural implants were hammered into the Primarch's skull and surgically grafted to his cerebral cortex. The gates of hell are yawning wide. Though the World Eaters' flagship transformed a number of the smaller vessels into flaming wreckage, the Ultramarines eventually punched through her tenacious defence and managed to land troops on the surface of Nuceria. The Chapter Masters of the Adeptus Astartes are unmatched in personal combat prowess, possessing the body of a genetically superior killing machine and literally centuries of combat experience.. A Chapter The lead vessel that sailed at the front of the murder-fleet was a Battleship, it blunt prow shaped into the golden, ripped-wing avatar of a crucified Imperial Aquila. Inquisitors and high-ranking commissars or Astra Militarum officers tend to possess them, as do members of various noble families with potent political clout and wealth. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After the development of new and powerful war-technology by the Mechanicum, Abaddon was gifted a suit of custom-made Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour to accommodate his mighty stature. With both the Dark Angels and Space Wolves Legions on their way to Terra to reinforce the Loyalist defenders, Horus gambled everything in order to win the siege, lowering the Void Shields on his flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, and daring the Emperor to come aboard and face him. The mighty Chaos army disintegrated with the loss of its greatest champion and fled Terra. Some saw Abaddon as Horus' rightful successor and fell at his feet willingly, while others recognised his raw strength and bowed their heads to his might. By tracing the signals, the World Eaters discovered the shrivelled remains of the last true living Ghennans where they lay in their life-pods. The warriors that had made the Butcher's Nails sing and his brain bleed just for the sin of standing near them. As he duelled his once-beloved gene-father, the Emperor, upon the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit, Horus' flagship, the Warmaster was vanquished by a psychic blast. Who else amongst the hosts of the traitors embraced damnation with such a fierce glee?". Early attempts to duplicate these implants by the combined efforts of the Legion's Techmarines and Apothecaries were far from successful. Angron would subsequently appear during the climax of the Solar War, when a massive Warp Rift opened up over Luna. The left shoulder plate of a suit of Terminator Armour always carries the large solid stone icon known as the Crux Terminatus. Its explicit purpose. Under his banners march twisted Chaos Space Marines from every Traitor Legion, Renegade Chapters that have defected from the post-Heresy Imperium, hordes of Chaos Cultists, beast-headed mutants, Abhumans, Space Marines who have given their bodies to possession by daemons, war engines from the Soul Forge and a thousand other freakish strains of anarchist and monster. But their numbers quickly waned against the Traitors reinforcements and steady supply of munitions. Fully half the planet was reshaped into a hellish landscape reminiscent of many Daemon Worlds -- a nightmare born of the Warp merged with the ruins of a war-torn Hive World. Instead, they are venerated and regarded as a Dark Pantheon of Chaos Gods. The Warp Storm that had carried the Devourer of Stars to Armageddon had started dying out, cutting off the vital supply of Warp energy that allowed Angron and the other daemons to remain in the Materium. The Apothecary's eyes focused on the Talon Abaddon wore on his right hand, commenting that "He will enjoy the irony of that." The Chosen bear an assortment of titles, reflecting their role in a past Black Crusade or honouring particular acts of cruelty for which they are infamous. Hive Fleet Leviathan is largely destroyed, ironically thanks to Daemonic hordes that formed as a result of the Great Rift. Abaddon closed the massive fist. Rather than bringing an end to religion and superstition, the Word Bearers and their Primarch Lorgar had been teaching the people of their conquered worlds to worship the Emperor as their god. He is also described as a demagogue, able to sway other followers of Chaos to his cause against the Imperium despite their natural inclination towards internecine conflict. It is still unclear how Abaddon was able to use the will of the Dark Gods for his own ends while remaining unscathed by their power. As the Siege of Terra raged on, during the battle for the Lion's Gate Spaceport, Angron destroyed both a Capitol Imperialis super-heavy Imperial tank and then a Leviathan transport, but was still unable to advance past the Imperial Palace's walls. Upon the flesh-world of Oliensis, the serpentine Daemon Prince Fulgrim swore his aid in exchange for a Pythonian psyker-innocent and the promise of a third-share of those civilians caught in the path of the Black Crusade to come. A small fleet of Emperor's Children vessels appeared from the surrounding Warp Storm -- seven vessels that bore Imperial purple armour plating bleach-burned into ghostly lilac. It was after the battle for the world designated Sixty-Three Nineteen by the XVI Legion, in which Tenth Captain Garviel Loken managed to reach and slay the impostor Emperor who ruled the world ahead of Abaddon, that the First Captain recommended Loken's elevation into the Mournival to replace the 4th Company's Captain Hastur Sejanus. But by then, it would be too late to stop the tragedy that had already begun to unfold for the XIIth Legion. Though Cadia itself has fallen, possession of the Cadian Gate -- the only stable path from the Eye of Terror -- still hangs in the balance. So now he reached out to those most like him -- in thought, in action, and in ambition. His skeletal remains, weapons and power armour were believed recovered from the wreck, even as most of the rest of the Chaos starship was destroyed during the conflict. But the Terminator plate of the Justaerin was proof against most of the punishing barrage. He possessed unnatural, inhuman gold-coloured eyes. This has endowed many of the Blood Angel's beliefs with a deeply mystical streak. The Daemon Primarch roared in frustration, unable to circumvent the lingering effects of the Emperor's psychic barrier to pursue what he perceived as his cowardly brother into the palace. After being reunited with former Justaerin Commander Falkus Kibre aboard the Tlaloch, the Legionaries returned to the dormant flagship. His cries of thwarted rage were tainted by an agony beyond comprehension. Only the Librarians of the XII Legion, under the command of Lectio Primus Vorias were able to finally subdue Angron by psychically forcing him into unconsciousness, though it cost the lives of several. Giving a speech before his assembled sons, Sanguinius stated that he would swear an oath to his Legion instead of the vice-versa. He knew there was a great deal left to do, and a great deal left to learn. Lheor and the last warriors of the Fifteen Fangs reacted faster than any of their comrades. Shortly thereafter, they were set upon by berserker-crazed World Eaters and Khornate daemons. But not before taking the Emperor's Children's severely wounded commander and seven of his Legionaries as prisoners. Only a Chapter Master has the right to inscribe his name and heraldry upon their sacred bones. They are said to be unbreakable and easily cut through any armour. He declared that Angron had been born a slave and would now remain one, enslaved to darkness for all eternity. He felt that he had to -- to learn the realm's boundaries, to see its secrets. The Lord Deceiver is a powerful Chaos Sorcerer whose visions of the Warp lead the Black Crusade from star system to star system. Baal Secundus has since been a nuclear-blasted desert world with deadly levels of radiation. During the Horus Heresy, brother fought brother as the fallen primarchs led their Traitor Legions against their former comrades who remained loyal; Horus himself fought the Blood Angels' Primarch Sanguinius and the Emperor during the final battle of the great interstellar civil war. Others have said that Russ travelled into the Eye of Terror, to lead his lost 13th Company against Magnus the Red and the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion. And still the great vessel fought -- rolling, turning, raging. Its once gentle sun was laced with deadly metals and substances that increased the star's radiation output tenfold; within a century after the Heresy's end, the final elements of Calth's atmosphere were burned off and the world left airless, its populace forced to live in gigantic underground caverns. In the ashes of the city the entire Word Bearers legion gathered to be reprimanded by the Emperor, Roboute Guilliman and Malcador the Sigilite. Only Cadia, with its formidable defences, stood firm, its brave regiments fighting from the towering gates and bastions of their cities. His trophy rack is adorned with the skulls of failed servants. Within the red bowels of the Goreswirl, the Despoiler duelled the finest of Angron's champions, cutting off their heads one after another with the Daemon Sword Drach'nyen before gifting the Hellfire Stone to the Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters and earning his respect in the process. A Chapter Master is a true scion of the Emperor of Mankind, heir to the strength and fortitude possessed by his genetic forebears, the primarchs. The fleet pursued the Furious Abyss and battled with it, suffering heavy casualties (all ships but the Wrathful and Fireblade were destroyed), ending when the Furious Abyss entered the warp to continue its journey to Ultramar. At a later point following the rediscovery of Angron, the famous Mechanicum technoarchaeologist, Arkhan Land, was brought to Terra and sequestered in one of the Emperor's secret, sacred laboratories at the heart of an inactive volcano in a region of extensive tundra. Utilising his superior tactical acumen and with the aid of the Iron Warriors and his Iron Circle of robotic honour guards, Perturabo was able to outmanoeuvre and bombard the World Eaters, pounding them into submission and besting Angron in the process. By the dawn of the 31st Millennium, as the World Eaters' vicious savagery only worsened, many of Angron's brother Primarchs voiced their concerns to the Emperor, yet the Master of Mankind, having left the Great Crusade to return to Terra, proceeded to seek help from an unfortunate source. The sorcerer rose to his feet, hands curled into claws as he screamed at the city he was about to kill. When the Daemon Primarch entered Terra's atmosphere, he appeared as a massive, flaming meteor. Clad in golden Artificer Armour and armed with wrist-mounted Angelus Bolters, they wade into battle wielding Glaives Encarmine, ancient power weapons of terrible power. Sargon Eregesh, Abaddon's oracle, a former warrior-priest of the Word Bearers' Brazenhead Chapter. As well as the memories of the Primarch, the Marine is also imbued with a small portion of Sanguinius' unearthly power, boosting the warrior's already prodigious strength and vitality to superhuman levels. [44], In an attempt to divide those loyalist legions he could not sway to Chaos, Horus dispatched the Blood Angels to the farthest reaches of space, where they unwittingly walked in traps of his and his masters devising. They have no real nutritional need for blood, but when they abstain from drinking it for a long time, they grow weaker and even age. Abaddon is a powerful warrior of immense strength and skill who is armed with a deadly array of both Chaos artefacts and abilities that make him an overpowering foe to face on the battlefield. Power Blades are a form of power weapons commonly wielded by Warp Spider Exarchs. The Ruinous Powers of Chaos somehow spirited the Emperor's unborn superhuman children away through the Warp in ca. [40b], Land Raider, desert camouflage, Assault on Bantax[45b], Camouflage scheme in a desert conflict[46]. Not even a Primarch could stand against such sheer numbers, yet it was at this time that the Emperor of Mankind came to Nuceria, drawn by the psychic emanations of his gene-son the Primarch. His name was Sargon, once of the XVIIth Legion, the Word Bearers, and the Brazenhead Chapter. There are special variants of these "traditional" types of power weapon, such as Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn's power sword, which had no actual metal blade, just a hilt that projected a blade of pure energy. From his personal battle barge, now renamed Infidus Imperator, Kor Phaeron directed a full-scale invasion of the Calth System. Imperial records state that two Primarchs came to Angron, both claiming to have been sent by the Emperor, intending to convince him to stop the dangerous practice. It was last monitored as setting a course for the Eye of Terror, the realm of the Chaos Gods. A Diresword is a Craftworld Aeldari power weapon into which a potent Aeldari spirit has been placed through the incorporation of a Spirit Stone into the blade. My. He first met his then-savage Revenant Legion during the Pacification of Teghar Pentarus, but shocked all assembled by first learning the name of each and every one of his warriors. The last recorded deployment of a full Officio Assassinorum Execution Force was against the so-called Chosen of Abaddon. Power weapons available exclusively to the forces of Chaos are noted below: A Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers Traitor Legion wielding his Accursed Crozius. Through alliance, threats and promises, Abaddon was able to muster the largest force of Traitor Legions seen since the Horus Heresy and took the Imperium by surprise. So powerful a warrior had Abaddon become that he was used as a military model for the entire brotherhood of the Luna Wolves' elite 1st Company, known as the Justaerin. With the Horus Heresy ended, the World Eaters fled into the Eye of Terror to a Daemon World specially prepared for Angron by Khorne, though the Legion swiftly degenerated into roving warbands of Chaos Space Marines as the incessant and bloodthirsty demands of Khorne drove the World Eaters to turn in upon themselves. The Next Commandment, Part One Psalm 5:9, NLT, "My enemies cannot speak a truthful word . The Furious Abyss's first kill was the Ultramarines ship Fist of Macragge as it was heading in for repairs in the Vangelis space port. Horus was the primarch and master of the [4b], The subsequent companies are 'Companies of Reserve', composed of squads with the same designation who often act as support for the Battle Companies, as well as provide replacements for casualties by the line formations: the Sixth Company is made up of Battleline Squads, while the Seventh and Eighth Companies are a made up of Close Support Squads, and the Ninth Company has a full compliment of Fire Support Squads[40b]. I shall strike him down, I shall be an Angel of Vengeance! Some foundings teeter on the border of full-blown insanity, causing them to be on the verge of destruction, even though the Chapter council thought the flaw was eradicated from the gene-stocks for a while. [57e], The Blood Angels consider the Red Thirst to be shameful and keep it a secret from the rest of the Imperium, although by the end of the 41st millenium it has become an open secret, with many Imperials including Roboute Guilliman being aware of it. Following the infamous events of the Ghenna Massacre, the World Eaters were publicly censured by the Emperor and commanded to stop using the cortical implants. No, no and no. Your Emperor is weak and foolish, even now he hides from us. In 781.M31, five centuries after his retreat from Terra, Abaddon returned to Imperial space at the head of a host of Traitors and daemons. I am Angron, the Eater of Worlds, and I am already dead. Whoever had sent him had placed powerful psychic wards that locked the Word Bearer's mind from unwanted intrusion. The bloodlust that defined the early Legion remained, and Sanguinius desperately sought to both keep it a secret and find any solution he could to elevate it. Khrn manged to form a rapport with Angron, talking about the rituals of Angron's gladiators and the traditions of the War Hounds, and showing how similar they were to each other. There was a 2-stage process involved: first, the Emperor extracted a subset of His own DNA to act as the foundation for a pure, undifferentiated primarch gene-stock template. When the World Eaters that had promised their aid to Abaddon left his armies to join the fighting upon Skalathrax, the Warmaster abandoned his plans, tracked the Berzerkers down and severed their limbs before cauterising their wounds with a Flamer, leaving them as little more than screaming stumps unworthy of a place at the Blood God's table. The regime of discipline and training the XIIth Legion had abided by in the past would prove to be but a shadow of what came to pass under Angron's direction and reform. The Emperor had allowed them to love Him, and to believe He loved them in return.

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