I have literally spent over an hour reading comments on this board. Im late to the party but. and do not bear the yoke% 27 per annum. An opinion poll, often simply referred to as a poll or a survey, is a human research survey of public opinion from a particular sample.Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals.A person who conducts polls is referred to as a pollster you really will say anything at all for whatever you can grift away for you, and those you use. A creationist doesnt believe in evolution, a leftist believes evolution didnt change anything other than skin color. In addition, there was the unanswered question, which Lincoln had to deal with, of what would become of the four million slaves if liberated: how they would earn a living in a society that had almost always rejected them or looked down on their very presence. Should be genetic evidence everywhere but there is none. Without mixing if youre not from Prehistoric Africa, you wouldnt exist. Well put: intentionally misrepresenting information in an attempt to present a versionthat suits [Harvards] ideological predispositions. Intelligence is a phenotype influenced by parents genotypes AND other pre and post-natal factors. An ape skull was found wherein human DNA was added to her missing DNA to make her more human. Must be the books that if you had read wouldve informed you. As we look forward to 2017 and onwards, it becomes ever more important to understand what our DNA says about what it means to be human. Not the black race, white or anything else but HUMAN. Sometimes making things up to support his own theories also. watching that fine line from mischief to crime. Lincoln's long-term goal was to apply federal pressure on the slave states to get them to abolish slavery on their own, beginning with the four loyal, non-seceding border states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri. So stop being ignorant about the best word to use for emphasis, perhaps? Australian Aborigines look Bantu and so forth. Readers must be careful to discern between fact and interpretation by questioning whether the statement can be objectively verified. No. Look to the real science of biology and forget the misled agenda-driven pseudo-social sciences. scent is not racial, its ethnic, based on what a person eats. [41] Speaking in his Kentucky accent, with a very powerful voice,[42] he said that the Kansas-Nebraska Act's "declared indifference, but as I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I can not but hate. Racism, however, robs us of the beauty, adventure, and enhancement of the benefits of diversity. I think the different races were seeded here from other galaxies. It is common for students to conclude after studying propaganda that the Nazis succeeded at brainwashing the German population, but it is important to help them think carefully about this idea. In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to influence public opinion about some organization or public figure. It is likely that differences in introns as well as exons are thus larger (percentage-wise) than those solely based on exons. I thought only the evil white man could be so violent???? However; they have proof that the black man was present in Europe long before the white man arrived! [5][6] More generally, people's ability to make true judgments is affected by biases towards accepting incoming information and interpreting feelings as evidence of truth. [141], For over a year from October 1861, Lincoln hoped to found a black colony in the Chiriqu district of what is now Panama, then an outlying part of Colombia. However, if weve starved 100 dutchmen from birth, when they turn 18 they might be shorter than Koreans. The fact that different races have different IQ has been well established. it is INHERENT in mankind to have some prejudices that will infact be proven wrong, as part of our brains evolution and the way we have and will continue to survive. Based on the images you have analyzed and what you have learned thus far in this unit about the rise of the Nazi Party and the Nazi Partys platform, what can you conclude about the ideal national community the Nazis strove to foster? Can you think of examples of propaganda in society today? So do you think there is more genetic variability between these two penguins or between Taylor Swift and Kanye West? Of course, there are exceptions, and a spectrum across which the differentiations may be less distinct. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."[118]. Race moves location and changes with time. Good points Chris and I agree wholeheartedly and I am a black man. Explore resources that meet the Massachusetts History and Social Science Framework. this is why racists would call italians black because they recognized that the differences are based on geography not political borders. We are very grateful to you all for your patronage and support over the years. Hook them up to an electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram. Undeniably, the topic of raceand racismhas gripped America and the world throughout. Well said, all part of a long unfolding plan. I believe wild animals have more since than anybody that believes in different races. You (white supremacists) are afraid of living as a minority because you expect to be treated as badly as others have been treated in that situationperhaps as badly as you have treated others. At the end of the day to me people judging people are just assholes, dont be an asshole. Besides where did u get this information from? I care not if you are degreed. They are rings all right, but they almost completely overlap. It also helps to maintain long-term alliance relationships and undermine enemy propaganda. They need to understand that it pervaded every aspect of societyradio, the press, feature films and newsreels, theater, music, art exhibits, books, the school curriculum, sports, and more. Well its more like I appreciate them for what they are. Otherwise the mutations created by these genetics would mean that random traits would be the most common genetic factor. Then when those races find it difficult to fit into a society that is not part of their cultural heritage they are treated like they are hopeless or not good enough or whatever. As this is just an opinion piece, probably of someone with more of a social science bent then actual science, i think that you have to take what they say with a bit more then a grain of salt. Your first two sentences set the tone for the entire article, and are completely false. The Whites have both. This was never a white nation. (forget about IQ. It was to protect us from others who would force us to live different or take advantage. It is so sad to hear anti European and anti African comments. Not to mention the blacks, who pillage all the major cities and contribute nothing towards making America a great and safe country. Wikipedia (Human genetic variation), now uses 99.5% as the avg. The L3 group went on to populate Asia, Europe, Oceana, and the Americas. i have to say black people do strive for truth. in truth, white nationalism is in fact alt-right. Civilizations rise and fall. [161][162], In his second term as president, on April 11, 1865, Lincoln gave a speech in which, for the first time publicly, he promoted voting rights for some blacks, stating "It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. When I came across this article , my affect mood) changed as I read the exchange of ideas or more accurately prejudices, I started with interest, then sadness, depression & I finally despair. The secretary of the interior, Caleb B. Smith, also issued Pomeroy $25,000 from the colonization fund, to pay for transportation and equipment. Quote from the abstract: But reality is far less simple. It is worth reviewing or reminding students of that reading and then establishing a definition for propaganda. So whites populated much of the world. It is not restricted to one race but rather to many populations that were all exposed to malaria. Nor, ultimately, is any culture you were not raised in your birth right. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews.com [3] But in 1860, he was attacked as not abolitionist enough: Wendell Phillips charged that, if elected, Lincoln would waste four years trying to decide whether to end slavery in the District of Columbia. Oh, so the problem is all a matter of words, Race is not good, but Ancestry is fine, is politically correct please! Remember, its ok to think the earth is flat as well. ( This is NOT a commentary on Transpeople, ones choice, or should i say the lack there of because for them it is a need, to be the gender opposite of that they are born is one i respect and defend). All cultures have been built with different languages and ways of life. Humans really need to be careful of their narcissistic tendencies to overcompensate for poor nurturing in childhood! If you are not okay with being different from someone else, then you need to work on your self. The idea of Africa being the origin of humanity did not stem only from Lucy the ape-man. All throughout 1862, the Lincoln administration took several direct actions against slavery. Its ok to want to stay a child. How did the first white person come to be then? Africans were the originators of this earth and we are a hybrid race of aliens. a post-racial society, free of racial prejudice and discrimination. BO remarks once or more were to deplete the main race more less. Adolf Hitler rose to power, not because of his political skill, but solely because of the political climate in Weimar Germany. Genes in introns are known to be able to contain regulatory functions that have to be counted as well. Hell no Their DNA may be as close as homo sapien DNA but the slight difference is the game changer. Also no such thing as the black gene. With the influence of modern transportation, continued interbreeding seems inevitable. For example, how did feminism affect the flappers of the 1920s? Please re-read the article. [93], Darius had his hands full dealing with large-scale rebellion which broke out throughout the empire. Good luck (not) with that. taxonomy26@juno.com. It does not seem to be occurring on a regular basis. Totally not just goofying around for realzies man and its not joking in anyway. But it is about time that we grew up, and acknowledged that the concept of superiority EXISTS in the animal kingdom. well to make your self of significance is an Ego problem and Ego problems exist because there is some form or another of insecurity in that individual and to counteract that evil little flaw we have we create images of ourselves with our imagination to compensate. And this leads into the third problem desperate to insist on similarity, the author writes off the visible differences as superficial, and then constructs a devious bit of argumentation: the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits and leave it at that as if it has thus been proven that the only differences are the superficial visible differences. The significant difference in power between high-tech Coalition militaries and the guerrilla Taliban led to and political support to the Taliban. He pointed out that the emancipation proclamation did not complete the task of eradicating slavery; "But this amendment is a King's cure for all the evils [of slavery]. Please fix your spelling and your grammar. There, the author of this article may argue with me that color, shape of eyes, noses and differences like that are also social construct . It doesnt matter WHERE we originated, our skin color absolutely doesnt matter. [174][175] Johnson was afterward employed by the White House and then as messenger in the Treasury Department. I believe fighting with science is futile much better to accept the differences and focus on fighting racism. Modern day NE Asians and Europeans as identifiable groups are dated to between 8-10k yrs ago. Former Justice Potter Stewart of the Supreme Court of the United States, in No such thing as black genes. `. [168] On August 22, 1862, he said to a delegation of five black men whom he'd invited to the White House: You and we are different races. Fact, no person is more or less important or worthy to enjoy the rights and privileges guaranteed by my countrys constitution. Thats what really ticks me off about people and makes me so angry I just feel like pounding on the walls and breaking stuff for people wanting to break up peoples relationships with other people I dont see how its a drastic difference if say a white person and a middle eastern or Greek or Italian person get together.. His concept of evolution is so stupid of a lie he even said fish could become animals, ect. Your arguments about hate and fear in white European societies is completely baseless. So many with false fake guilt. false, this comes from old study, its actually 99.5%, In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct Le Chatelier's Principle & Equation | Temperature, Pressure & Examples, Meta-Disciplines | Revisionists, Traditionalists & Post-Revisionists. That you start the study with prejudice against the President reveals the results of this study as political hyperbole. Lets all benefit by encouraging the best of us to guide us gently into the future. Gienapp, William E., "Abraham Lincoln and the Border States". The Left is more-so obsessed with race, from all that Ive noticed over the decades to the present. The world is afraid and is acting out in the wrong way. First! [10] Campbell later acknowledged that his and the government's spinning had contributed to the electorate's growing distrust of politicians, and he asserted that spin must cease. As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. Lets feel sorry for the forgotten people that have been wronged for so long! We have primary sources. Lincoln pointed out the immense difficulties of such a task as an obstacle to finding an easy way to quickly end slavery. The classical definition of a species is a group of organisms whose members are able to breed with one another and produce viable offspring, which clearly applies to all humans regardless of skin color. You dont have the right or the power to define the nation without the consent of everyone else. Its famously called Lewontins Fallacy. color shade of skin, hair texture, eye shapes do not identify and define race. Statement of Dr. Bill Bass. White supremecy know this and lied to you all with false documentaries and the Darwinian theory a lie! In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. Currently there are 1500 exclusive white hate groups in the usa. Now that people are finally coming forward and acknowledging the stupidity of humanity with all these ridiculous classifications, people with inferiority complexes, whove relied on these classifications and the hierarchies that were created because of them, are having emotional meltdowns! Kind of like what predatory animals do with other predatory species for competitive reasons. I refuse to accept the politically motivated labels they put on me. amazing how much difference a few genes can make. Way back then we would have been seen as an omen to the tribe and sent away to Im guessing sympathetics. Others set ppl up posting false flyers, false threats etc. if giants or just very tall men bred with short humans that would cause, disproportion. The DNA in our cells is littered with variants, little changes from one individual to the next that are responsible for many of our physical attributes and our predispositions to disease. The only Truth I know God of The Creator of Heavens and Earth tells us we are created in Gods image. How do you explain Icelandic people in an artic volcanic ridden treeless island being crime free, advanced, etc ..compared to numerous black nations that are in regions that have arable land, rich in natural resources, much larger land area, etc but are violent, corrupt, backwards, illerate, etc..just for one of countless examples..why in past 1,500 years all technological advancements, inventions, etc all whites..on and on..why to blacks out run + jump whites but whites far excel academically than whiteswhy can Anthropologists identify a persons race with just some bones IF there is no biological races? This requires the reader to think very critically to ascertain whether the statement is a historical fact or an interpretation. "Burying bad news": announcing unpopular things when the media is expected to be focusing on other news. none superior to the other, but very different. Human levels of knowledge gained over this historical period mentioned above is often reviewed and analyzed for accuracy, as well as for researching why we keep repeating mistakes of the past. The survivors can have better genetics in some ways. Either you are his son, or a wanna-be thief. Students analyze several examples of Nazi propaganda and consider how the Nazis used media to influence the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individual Germans. I am Black and I have never seen so much sophistry written by people who claim that they are counted among a super race of some kind. [159] Recently discovered documents prove that Butler and Lincoln did indeed meet on April 11, 1865, though whether and to what extent they talked about colonization is not recorded except in Butler's account. NMTA Social Science: Civil Liberties in the U.S. NMTA Social Science: Civil Rights in the U.S. NMTA Social Science: The U.S. Federal Judicial System, NMTA Social Science: U.S. Presidential Elections & Powers, NMTA Social Science: Interest Groups in Politics, NMTA Social Science: The U.S. Court System. The alt right is just about anti blaming white people for everything. By forcing them to integrate into white society and pretending they are equal. It argued that the Constitution could and should be used to eventually end slavery but meanwhile the Constitution gave the government no authority to abolish slavery directly. However, we are stuck with the evolutionary psychology and perhaps the only smooth way to mitigate the worst of it is to be honest about what it is, first and foremost. The history of the world has been founded on the hate of racism Spanish wiping out races, neighboring tribes killing other tribes, the gypsys being enslaved, counties sending in there children in for child labor . If differences in intelligence are due to natural selection due to relatively more harsh environments, then no one should expect a big difference only those genes affecting things like skin color (due to intense sun) and intelligence and impulse control/delayed gratification (to overproduce and store food to survive long, harsh winters). for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" Denied your tribe, your people, your family. I agree with OzWaz that there is nothing wrong with acknowledging different races. Etc. Once earth orbit and space travel objectively proved the shape of earth, it was on to other things not known-except for those few people who needed a really aggressive way of expressing their distrust of government and authority. Dr. Chou has no formal qualifications, and chooses to publish her version of scientific facts on a website. Of course, with Chimps at 98.6% the same, that leaves Plenty of room for race/subspecies that obviously do exist. First, it attempts to encourage cooperation by pressuring recalcitrant foreign leaders who rely on popular support. Firstly, we have the use of the term social construct. It is about penis envy. Lesson finished. "I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel. [51] In a debate in August 1858, he said:[52][53]. To the Alt-Left, race is not a social construct, and like the Alt-Right, the Alt-Left insists that skin colour determins the behaviour, thoughts and actions of a person, while claiming, i must add, that things that ARE based in scientific evidence of genetics, ie the XX and XY are a social construct, and that they have no basis in genes or science. No skin color is superior to others, lots humans are just more intelligent than others regardless of skin color. Many of Lincoln's public anti-slavery sentiments were presented in the seven LincolnDouglas debates of 1858 against his opponent, Stephen Douglas, during Lincoln's unsuccessful campaign for a seat in the U.S. Senate (which was decided by the Illinois legislature). Show one country in the entire globe where the Whites went (except for 5 countries, they colonized everything) which did not prosper. What false concepts have been introduced through the authority and approval of religion, and those concepts leading to injustices, that escalated into bloody wars to right the wrongs that many were mislead to believe God was in support of. Like their religious counterparts, they also deny evolution on theological grounds. Many of us are sick and tired of the old BS rhetoric. The only reason wars were not on the same scale outside of Eurasia was either due to lack of population, or lack of organization. Let us all benefit from the unique superiority that one person, one race, has relative to the other (in different areas*). "Lincoln's Constitutional Dilemma: Emancipation and Black Suffrage", "The President's Colonization Scheme. the out of Africa theory which the evidence and research seems to support with a high level of confidence was communicated so the public better understood our ancestry That silly OUT OF AFRICA theory is probably dead now, with new discoveries of more Ancient skulls from Asia. There is no point to reasoning with a racist because this is more basic. But a moment's reflection would convince me that whatever of high hope (as I think there is) there may be in this, in the long run, its sudden execution is impossible. Not a lot of wisdom in focusing on meaningless physical differences instead of focusing on moral and philosophical ones. Obviously history should be factual. Exploitation thrives everywhere around the world. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews.com It feels good to smile, especially while reading bad articles. scientist have been misleading us for years, first they said we evolve from baboon, so called pes, even if it is not true, but let say it is true, that means white people came from a Black race, because there is never a baboon that is white, that means white people came from us. Public diplomacy includes all official efforts to convince targeted sectors of foreign opinion to support or tolerate a government-s strategic objectives. Different races is a stupid idea, that is now scientifically proven to be illogical. To get conclusive results for a test such as this they should have done one IQ test every year, NOT 3 in a span of 50. a person with ashkenazi ancestry fits into the ashkenazi category. Races exist, whatever you like it or not, and they are all beautiful and need to be preserved, together with the cultural heritage they carry on, and none of them must be discriminated or persecuted. Secondly, while every group in the history of humanity has fought another group the warring was overwhelmingly limited to an immediately adjacent territory. Ancestry reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestorswith enough information about a persons DNA, scientists can make a reasonable guess about their ancestry. Explain to students that in this lesson, they will continue to examine the Nazis efforts to shape the German national community according to their racial ideals. The Japanese dont have yellow skin if you google Japanese crowds you see that their skin looks the same as Europeans and yet their skin color evolved by a different process involving different genes that evolved by convergent evolution to effect the same advantage of pale skin in higher latitudes. He has not been outspoken over any so called race. The out of Africa theory holds that modern humans evolvedfrom a common homo erectus ancestor in Africa.Jan 7, 2006. Copyright 2022 Facing History & Ourselves. This means one population subset isnt better than another one. Which definition, what one? (which was what the Soviet Union did) My understanding is that I can just let her alone. That sight was a continued torment to me, and I see something like it every time I touch the Ohio or any other slave border. Politicians want to know what the public thinks. colorism is what it is. All peoples/races/species evolved separately, with some common origins, and apparently the origin of Homo genus is in Africa.

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