Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the god who invented lying. Since this relationship could almost not occur, if it did occur, it would have to be honored as a happenstance of fate. Scorpios might be mysterious, but theyre extremely loyal, especially once youve proven yourself trustworthy. 13. When they find attraction in someone, they become consumed and possibly obsessed until the object of their desire is in their possession. I am also a very sensitive crybaby. Gemini: Dance Music. Geminis Best Friend: Libra When youre a Gemini and your best friend is a Libra, you wont ever have to worry about running out of things to talk about. Im gonna put all this in a book one day lol, Im a scorpio female and I have to say this thing is quite accurate. In fact, she says, it may even be quite the opposite, with Scorpio facilitating growth and transformation for Gemini. I feel like Scorpios and Geminis are similar, as Scorpios explore deeply while Geminis explore widely. Scorpio, who remembers everything, finds it frustrating how easy Gemini will double down on a lie. Subscribe for updates, offers and valuable information I think you should know. It does not store any personal data. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If youre a Gemini, thats an attraction trigger for you; in fact, its one of the main reasons why youre interested in this person. But the thing to look out for is the Gemini making it kind of obvious. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with. Can Gemini and Scorpio be lovers? They are drawn to the rebel, the untamed beast that is so full of passion. Do Gemini and Scorpio get along, or do they clash? After all, Im married to one for 38 (thirty eight ) years!! Once a traitor, always a traitor (at least in the mind of a Scorpio). So I decided 2 years ago that if The universe brings me someone that I feel that pull towards, I would withhold sex. When Gemini faces Scorpio for the first time, The charm and beauty of Scorpio attract him. 6 spiritual blocks to weight loss (and how to overcome them), 16 spiritual meanings of tension in law (complete list). The real question should be who doesn't like geminis?!? But even though Gemini and Scorpio have different approaches to life, they do have a lot in common. They know that Gemini is much more complicated than the average observer might see. Scorpios are complex, deep and enigmatically secretive, which makes them difficult to predict. The Scorpios wisdom and penetrating insight could see in their Gemini what one might call a divine mystery. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. The best of friends or the worst of enemies. The favorable Scorpio and Taurus sense both just like the destroyed parts they will have sought after all of their lifetime. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Are Gemini loners? Once a Gemini finds a reliable partner or friend, they become completely devoted and committed. However, air can be dissolved into water. And usually not for the good. One person emailed me, "I LITERALLY HATE SCORPIOS," then didn't respond when I asked why. This is a love relationship where things work. A Gemini-Scorpio friendship is certainly not impossible, but according to Quinn, it's not exactly going to be a cake walk. Not only will a genuine advisor tell you why are Geminis attracted to Scorpios, but they can reveal all your love possibilities. So now that we have a rough picture of Gemini, next, we will quickly explore Scorpio. Geminis tend to be enthusiastic and seek excitement and happiness in their lives. What does it mean to dream about hiding from someone? Geminis not caring ways have a stunning effect on souls who are coming with a checkmating certainty. Geminis thrive on the idea that no one can predict their next move. Gemini and Scorpio's romantic relationship is contingent on who falls for who first. 1. These signs express their emotions in different ways. As we have declared in this analysis, the unlikeliness of this relationship would provide an inevitability to it. If this Gemini were so frivolous as to be out and about in the circulating river of human relationships, it would probably quickly return to its Scorpion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What is not so commonly understood is the reason behind their magnetic attraction in the first place. They don't like being played or betrayed, so if it happens, they're liable to hold it against that person for the rest of time. 2010-05-02 10:05:38. How can Scorpio depend on someone who does not keep their word? To a Scorpio, a Gemini can appear cagey and secretive. Even though it might be filled with arguments, they will also have some health debates for their mental stimulation. Both Gemini and Scorpio are masters of seduction and share electric chemistry. Gemini and Scorpio is not a very good pair in relationship compatibility. If a Scorpio starts to get turned on, youre in for a real treat because youll be following their every touch and feeling (both good and bad)! There are some signs that by their nature are more stable in their love interests and family concerns, as time goes on. 5.0 out A Marvel fan seems to have figured out the real reason why Bruce Bannerplayed by Mark Ruffalocould not transform into Hulk at will in last years Avengers: Infinity War. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Its not that they want to do this, they just have to! One minute theyre one way, then theyre another and it seems as if they dont have a clue what theyre going to do next because its always so spontaneous. This factor asks the question: "Can we be bored together over the long term?" While there may likely be conflicts, any two zodiac signs can make it work with effort, understanding, and mutual respect. The Scorpio women and Gemini man are an intriguing match, they love to understand the world around them. Gemini and Scorpio compatibility is low. This includes their ability to make us laugh, their shared love of conversation, and the way they can take our minds off of any problems we may be facing. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Why Gemini and Scorpio are a way more powerful match than you think will probably surprise you, but in so many ways, it totally makes sense. 11) Libra and Scorpio . Scorpio women are very intelligent with an incredible initiative . Scorpios are very good at disclosing the details of their relationship and the Geminis that so admire this trait cant wait to share in their secrets. Scorpios are outwardly calm and charming. First off, Gemini people are amazing with their hands and mouth, which makes them great in bed. What this friendship may lack is stability and a real emotional investment that allows all friendships to go deep. Gemini's are given to many humanitarian causes and we are communicators.Murcury rules our sign and are Masters of Communication. I mentioned them earlier. They do not like to appear soft in any way but if something matters to them in ways like trying to make a relationship last, then they will let their emotional side shine through. I love sharing thoughts and feelings through dancing or writing. Were super close, often hang out until early morning, have slept together multiple times, but never had sex. It wont happen. Lol, But anyway, the sex part!!! . However, ask a Scorpio about a Gemini, and one may get a wide range of responses, and the majority of them may not be pleasant. So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. Scorpios hate indifference. What is it about that pairing that keeps them together even though there are known problems (despite overcoming everything time and time again). The air sign is also one of the few in the zodiac who can successfully uncover a Scorpio's surreptitious demeanor. This is how Scorpio's mysterious nature draws them. Just by answering a few simple questions, I discovered shocking details about my man (which have proven to be 100% correct so far). Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) typically like taking the initiative. He'll tell you about his social life. 10 possible reasons. get their bad rep from celebrities like Kanye West and Shia LaBeouf. Do Scorpios like the center of attention? In bed, Scorpios tend to like taking control and being in charge. The latter can We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. To make this work, Gemini would need to make sure Scorpio is getting the attention that they need from them. Overall, Gemini and Scorpio are considered to be incompatible zodiac matches. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor. Overall, Gemini and Scorpio are considered to be incompatible zodiac matches. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. He probably does have a full schedule of social activities with friends and acquaintances. In fact, they are known to be one of the most passionate astrological signs; this is one of the reasons why Geminis are often drawn to them. For these two to get along, both need to have a sense of humor and learn to laugh at their differences. A Gemini, the communicative, trendy, curious, fickle, and sensitive individual. Geminis enjoy this aggressive side of Scorpios because it is a turn-on for them. Others are not. How do you make a Scorpio fall in love with you? In fact, she says, it may even be quite the opposite, with Scorpio facilitating growth and transformation for Gemini. Gemini, being the one with "multiple personalities," can make Scorpio arrest their intensity. we have plans for the future.that I honestly dont know if we will make it through it all. Since they fall in love with the thought that their love has to be reciprocated, they can't help but expecting full attention and dedication from the significant one. If Scorpio falls for Gemini first, we are in for a ride. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Its definitely a rollercoaster. They're the kind of people who are . Scorpios love being wild they are more than willing to get down and dirty with you without holding back. Why are Scorpios and Geminis not compatible? If you get a Gemini to think, they love it. The air element represents communication and connectivity and is naturally curious and analytical, always processing information. Scorpios have a tendency to be intense and possessive, which is what makes a Gemini so attracted to him or her. Why Do People Hate Scorpios? All over the world, thousands of Scorpios are in friendships, relationships, or situationships with a Gemini. Represented by the twins, Gemini is a social and very adaptable/outgoing sign.also they are extrem. Of course, that can be a good thing, but good things rarely come easy. Your partner is also invested in intimate connection. I like flirting with him but I dont think we can have a serious relationship because I find him immature. Do Geminis and Scorpios hate each other? But in a recent study, it showed that the majority of Geminis married Scorpios. Gemini and Scorpio bring together the changeable nature of the Twins with the still waters run deep type with the Scorpion. A Pisces told me we're "broody, seductive, irrationally secretive, and somehow equal parts . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". By now, it is common knowledge that Gemini and Scorpio do not mesh well. Imagine someone staying upright in turbulent water. Click here to get your own professional love reading. 7 years would not be of any particular to interest to Scorpio. Kris Jenner and Kristen Stewart are two archetypal Scorpios (23 Oct. to 21 Nov.) While Geminis (21 May to 21 Jun.) Gemini loves to be chased, and Scorpio does not like to chase. And yet the scorpions ability to see through Gemini does not disable the twin. A Gemini and Scorpio match. Sometimes the Gemini man just keeps talking and makes the Scorpio women laugh. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When theyre together, their individual personalities grow just as much as their relationship grows. Geminis love both old songs and new popular music, but when it comes to their most liked genre dance music is their true favorite. They could look bored, and look boring, but not actually be so. And take note these signs are quincunx to each other (150 degrees). Scorpio . Gemini loves to be chased, and Scorpio does not like to chase. Gemini, being the one with multiple personalities, can make Scorpio arrest their intensity. They're like a treasure chest full of knowledge, but only a special kind of person can unlock it. The Gemini is popular and likes a vast social life. Any woman who is so inclined to interact with me this way, finds me irresistibly magnetic and makes me feel so comfortable talking to her can only mean only one thing; Shes a Gemini and its so every single time. Answer (1 of 6): Because Gemini is a powerful zodiac sign!! A Scorpio wants to learn all they can about you and what motivates you. Compromise from both Scorpio and Gemini are going to need to come into play to make sure they have more good long conversations than bad ones. If youre comfortable, let your guy take the lead. Gemini is so far off from Scorpio's emotional world that good sex between them seems like something almost impossible to happen. Scorpio can use their focus and determination to help teach Gemini the value in finishing things before jumping headlong into the next experience. They should not give up and continue to fight with the downs that they may face. ), Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout, t: Scorpio requires affection and individual attention. The element of water represents the depth of emotions and sensitivity, which develops and sharpens intuition. Traits. Those who see them once definitely try to perceive them because their disposition copiously influences everyone. Be careful Scorpio; if Gemini gets an inkling of this attraction, they will enjoy toying with Scorpio's emotions, regardless of if these feelings are mutual or not. It only takes one person to bring aScorpio out of a funk. Communication is never a problem or an issue with Gemini. They are also open to criticism, no matter how cruel or direct it is and this is something Geminis appreciate. In conclusion, Scorpio and Gemini are not the best matches. Gemini is also going to have to work on consistency; Scorpios do not like to catch others being hypocrites. This is a relationship of arguments. Neither sigh are comfortable, Scorpio has trust issues, and Gemini don't like to be confronted. Life in the end is repetitive and mundane, and so is Romance itself. Scorpios in my experience do not like to discuss issues in relationships because of their secretive nature. . They have that intense magnetism that can really heat up the temperature in a room or make you feel like youre the only person who matters in the world. Gemini is sensitive but not in the same way as Scorpio. When you look at both of these zodiac signs, they look . (Honestly, I'll rarely send you anything. Gemini loves to mingle, and because they are so "friendly," it is often mistaken as flirtation by others, especially Scorpio, who will become jealous. He and his mother studied astrology for over 40 years. Intensity is the word that describes Scorpio. Can a Scorpio love a Gemini? The signs above and below will give you a good idea about why are Geminis attracted to Scorpios. But, we can't help it because we are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. My Gemini friends and I tend to share a dark sense of humour that others find uncomfortable. Gemini tends to do things on a whim, just for the experience, contrary to Scorpio, who almost always has a plan (or an ulterior motive) in mind. They tend to struggle with the same problems too: how to express their feelings without hurting each others feelings and how to communicate their thoughts without getting into conflict. I heard an astrologer say over 20 years ago that Gemini completely perplexes Scorpio because they cannot grab them and control them. Scorpios have an air of confidence that Geminis are drawn to they have this coiled-up energy that ignites with each passionate exchange they have. Geminis love them for their tendency to listen without judgment and offer their own opinions without telling everyone else what they know. Others being hypocrites high expectations they place on others of social activities with friends all bring a smile to Scorpio. 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