. In some of the more localized habitats, such as tall-grass prairies, oak savannahs, and perhaps alvars, fire is more important for habitat renewal. (1) If a cell in a table in the Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards indicates N/A or N/V in respect of a contaminant found in an environmental medium in relation to a type of property use, no applicable site condition standard is prescribed for that contaminant found in that environmental medium in relation to that type of property use. O.Reg. (v) Aquifer Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient. This northernmost ecozone constitutes Ontarios portion of the Hudson Plains Ecozone described in the national ELC system (Wiken, 1986). Use of a building on the property for an indoor gathering of people for religious purposes; parkland use means the use of land or a building on the property for. 1. Provide original signatures of the qualified person who conducted or supervised the phase one environmental site assessment. Provide laboratory certificates of analysis or analytical reports for all samples analyzed. (1) The following requirements apply to confirmation sampling and analysis: 1. (ii) hydrogeological characteristics, including aquifers, aquitards and, in each hydrostratigraphic unit where one or more contaminants is present at concentrations above the applicable site condition standards, lateral and vertical hydraulic gradients. With respect to glaciers of the Andes mountains in South America, abundant evidence has been collected from ongoing research at Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia,[12][13] Quelccaya Ice Cap and Qori Kalis Glacier in Peru,[14][15] Zongo, Chacaltaya and Charquini glaciers in Bolivia,[16] the Aconcagua River Basin in the central Chilean Andes,[17] and the Northern Patagonian and Southern Patagonian ice fields. (1) The qualified person shall make a statement in the RSC as to which of the site condition standards has been applied to the RSC property and shall specify in the statement whether potable ground water site condition standards or non-potable site condition standards were applied to the RSC property. 3. viii. [13], Esker systems in the U.S. state of Maine can be traced for up to 160km (100mi). i. all certificates of analysis or analytical reports received pursuant to clause 47 (2) (b) of the regulation comply with subsection 47 (3), ii. a certificate of analysis or analytical report has been received for each sample submitted for analysis, and. Surface soil, not including sediment (if any). Climate Change and the Future Fire Environment in Ontario: Fire Occurrence and Fire Management Impacts in Ontario under a Changing Climate. Ecological Land Classification Series No. SCHEDULE D PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS. The qualified person who is conducting or supervising the phase one environmental site assessment must have determined that the concentration of contaminants in the soil does not exceed the applicable soil quality standards, as determined in accordance with the Excess Soil Standards. 5. Provide, for each area where a contaminant is present on, in or under the property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant, a diagram identifying, with narrative explanatory notes. iii. the potential for underground utilities, if any present, to affect contaminant distribution and transport, iv. available regional or site specific geological and hydrogeological information, and. Vegetation communities are comprised of a mixture of boreal and Great Lakes-St. Lawrence species. 511/09, s.14. The qualified person shall certify, in the language set out in this section, the following in the RSC: 1. (2) The phase two environmental site assessment report shall address the requirements set out in Table 1 of this Schedule. s [23] A visit to the island in the spring of 2000 found that the Stephenson, Brown and Baudissin glaciers, among others, had retreated even further. The entire ecoregion is located within the Nelson Watershed. Surficial materials and landforms are varied, with moraines, lacustrine deposits, and glaciofluvial deposits predominating. After the change, the property will be used. z The Ecozones, Ecoregions, and Ecodistricts of Ontario. A qualified person shall complete, sign and date the part of the RSC that includes the information, certifications and statements required by this Part. Although most of the bedrock in this ecoregion is of Paleozoic age (Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian), this is the only area in the province where bedrock of Cretaceous age exists (Baldwin et al., 2000; Shilts, 1982). (2) A person meets the qualifications to be a qualified person for the purposes of subsection (1) if, (a) the person holds a licence, limited licence or temporary licence under the Professional Engineers Act; or. 33.4 (1) The qualified person shall identify physical impediments that interfere with or may limit the ability to conduct investigations, sampling or analyses or to meet any general or specific objectives, components or requirements of a phase two environmental site assessment. O.Reg. 511/09, s.14. Conservation Biology, 4:355-364. 1991a. Stott (Editors). I have disclosed all information referred to in paragraph 2 to any qualified person named in this RSC. If the property is used for an industrial use as well as any other type or types of property use, a change in the use of part or all of the property used for industrial use to any or all of the following types of property uses: 4. In 2003, Peter Wilcock and Joanna Crowe (now Joanna Curran) published a sediment transport formula that works with multiple grain sizes across the sand and gravel range. In local areas, such as the Sutton Ridges, local exposures of sandstone, shale, and Precambrian rocks rise above the predominantly limestone bedrock landscape. NeWest Press, Edmonton, Alberta. {\displaystyle \mathrm {Re} _{p}} A change from a commercial use to more than one type of property use including any or all of the following types of property use: 6. Twenty-six types of natural heritage areas are located in Ecoregion 5E, including the Rideau Canal World Heritage Site, Algonquin Provincial Natural Environment Class Park, Nipissing Crown Game Preserve, and H.N. Brown, D.M., G.A. 776/20, 2. Describe the general physical characteristics of the property including size of the property and size of contaminated area. Williams, R.H. Sutcliffe, and G.M. 4. an assessment of whether the sampling program is sufficient for the purposes of the risk assessment and if not, a description of what further site investigations were conducted to support the risk assessment, and. as In general, a particle Reynolds number has the form: Where Although the land cover classification does not have a palsa category, it is a dominant feature in these landscapes. The qualified person shall ensure the following are considered when soil samples to be analyzed are being selected in order to ensure the samples analyzed are representative of the maximum concentration of a contaminant in each area of the phase two property to be investigated: 1. Arthropods of Alvar Habitats. Product Description. 2. Pages 19-45 in: S. Woodley, J. Kay, and G. Francis (Editors). vi. Thaler, G.R., and R.C. 4. (2) In addition to the information certified under subsection (1), the qualified person shall certify, in the language set out in this subsection, the following in the RSC, if there is any contaminant excepted from the certification mentioned in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) or if there is any other contaminant that in the opinion of the qualified person is likely to cause an adverse effect: 1. 333/13, ) c {\displaystyle R} Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification in Canada: Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Canada Committee on Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification, Petawawa, Ontario 25-28 May 1976. Pedosphere.com. 16.2 (1) The following are prescribed defects for the purposes of clause 168.4 (3.3) (a) of the Act: 1. Longnose gar, channel catfish, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, walleye, northern hogsucker, banded killifish, and spottail shiner are among the fish species found in the lakes and rivers in this ecoregion. The stratified site condition standards in a non-potable groundwater condition prescribed under section 39 for the purposes of sub-subparagraph 4 i C of subsection 168.4 (1) of the Act. A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization 19461980, by Lloyd H. Cornett and Mildred W. Johnson, Office of History. The qualified person shall ensure that a phase two environmental site assessment report which meets the requirements of this Part is prepared. 47. The climate of the Georgian Bay Ecoregion is cool-temperate and humid. 4. The justification process includes a non-numeric characterization of risk and may include a numeric assessment of exposure or toxicity for screening purposes and risk prioritization. To document the determination of the location of one or more contaminants in the land or water on, in or under the phase two property. The river systems in the ecoregion support populations of sea-run brook trout, and this is the only part of the province in which Arctic char occur. 26. Samples taken from monitoring wells into which material was introduced into the monitoring well for purposes of remediation shall not be used to meet the objectives of confirmation sampling, including being used as evidence to demonstrate that the phase two property meets the applicable site condition standard or any standard specified in a risk assessment for a contaminant. Studies of hydrogen isotopic ratios indicate that The Vegetation and Phytogeography of Coastal Southwestern James Bay. slothy vlogs. 27. sin Eskers form near the terminal zone of glaciers, where the ice is not moving as fast and is relatively thin.[5]. for the initiation of motion of grains at the bed. = 14. Provide a table showing all water level measurements for all monitoring events used in demonstrating that contaminant concentrations in ground water are below the applicable site condition standards following actions taken to reduce concentration of contaminants, including depth to water reported as elevations to the nearest centimetre relative to a geodetic or permanent and recoverable benchmark and reference elevations. (1) This section applies in respect of the following: 1. It has been classified within the Subhumid and Moist High Boreal Ecoclimatic Regions (Ecoregions Working Group, 1989). (1) The qualified person shall ensure that the requirements that apply to an investigation of soil vapour that is being undertaken as part of a site investigation at a phase two property are met. It reads: where iii. 6. i. 187pp. (1) The qualified person shall ensure the following requirements are met in planning a site investigation: 1. (2) A qualified person or person supervised by a qualified person may deviate from standard operating procedures as appropriate, but the qualified person shall ensure that there is a professional rationale for any deviation. 5. Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards, Non-Potable Ground Water. Nationally, the ecozone extends well into Manitoba and Quebec. i. show any ground water quality data contained in laboratory certificates of analysis of samples taken at or under the phase two property, ii. include the test hole or monitoring well identification number, sample identification number, sampling depth intervals, date of sample collection, date of analysis and laboratory certificate of analysis or analytical report reference number, and. Lowlands tend to be dominated by large open peatlands (fens or bogs). 2. Pages 239-278 in: P.C. Provide the following, based on the investigation referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection 13 (1). 3. Upland sites on glaciofluvial sands and on tills tend to have weakly developed Podzols and Brunisols, whereas peats and Gleysols develop on poorly drained sites. In wetland systems, beavers are a major force of change. 2. The characteristic bedrock domain, in concert with long-term continental climatic patterns, has a major influence on the ecosystem processes and biota occurring there. 2. O.Reg. 4. The determination of the coarsest soil type for each area shall be done as follows: i. An appropriate number and distribution of samples, but at least four samples, of soil from each area must be collected and analyzed in order to determine grain size distribution of the soil. {\displaystyle i} Thompson (Editors). The Ontario Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Atlas: A Summary of Information (1983-1997). Also reg, serir, gibber, sa, and desert mosaic. (ii) a statement that the results relate only to the items tested and to all the items tested; (m) certification that the data met all analytical requirements in the Analytical Protocol with, if applicable, a detailed description of and rationale for qualification for required exceptions; and. Clear evidence of climate change exists in the form of decreasing duration of sea ice cover in portions of Hudson and James Bays over the past few decades (Stewart and Lockhart, 2005). Map 2543, Ontario Geological Survey, Queens Printer for Ontario, Toronto, Ontario. To provide a record of a phase two environmental site assessment of the phase two property that demonstrates, in a manner that is clear and can be assessed and reconstructed, how the phase two environmental site assessment of the property was carried out, and, in particular, to document and demonstrate. iii. (a) describe the relationship between the magnitude of exposure to the contaminant from each route of exposure and the probability of the occurrence of the adverse health effects identified in the hazard assessment; (b) if the data permits, identify the appropriate toxicity limit, from published limits available from a credible agency as described in subsection 9 (3) for each of the routes of exposure identified in clause (a); and. The vegetation in this ecoregion is boreal, with black spruce, white spruce, balsam fir, jack pine, tamarack, white birch, trembling aspen, and balsam poplar constituting the main forest species (Hills, 1959; Rowe, 1972). (ii) the distribution, in each of the areas referred to in subclause (a.2) (i), of each contaminant present in the area at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard, for each medium in which the contaminant is present, together with figures showing the distribution by parameter group as defined in the Analytical Protocol. O. Reg. 2. (4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (3), information relevant to this RSC includes the following: 1. (2) The measurement and determination referred to in subsection (1) shall be carried out at the times and places needed, but shall be included whenever ground water sampling is undertaken. notices and instruments, including records of site condition, posted in the Registry, x. identification of areas of natural significance maintained by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and. In each of the following media that exist at the property, the concentration of the contaminants does not exceed the standards in relation to the medium for that type of property use set out in Table 1 of the Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards: i. To the best of my knowledge, the certifications and statements in this risk assessment are true as of [insert date of completion of risk assessment report]. Pages 118-148 in: L.H. Determined through map overlay of Soil Landscape of Canada and Ecoregions of Ontario coverages with subsequent calculations. Whenever an assumed value for distance to water body is to be modified in a modified generic risk assessment, the report shall include a figure showing. Enlarge The levels in the Ontario Ecological Land Classification hierarchy. (2) If two or more samples of soil or sediment are taken from sampling points at the same sampling location that are at the same depth on, in or under the property, the property meets a standard mentioned in subsection (1) if the average of the sampling results meets the standard and in no other circumstances. O.Reg. A change that meets all of the following criteria: i. Where no owner or occupant of the phase one property can be identified, at least one owner or occupant of a property in the phase one study area and one provincial or municipal government official, each of whom is familiar with the phase one property and its history, as determined by the qualified person having regard to the objectives of a phase one environmental site assessment. Forest Vegetation of Ontario: Factors Influencing Landscape Change. i. a legal description of the property and a list of its owners and a description of the nature of their interest and any municipal address, assessment roll number and property identifier number applicable to the property, prepared by a lawyer after reviewing a current plan of survey of the property that has been prepared, signed and sealed by a surveyor and all other necessary documents, and. 8. Describe in detail the characteristics of every valued ecosystem component, both on and off the RA property, identified in the ecological conceptual site model. Climate change is affecting the distribution and abundance of species in this ecozone. There are several upland areas, including the Algonquin Dome, the Haliburton Highlands, and the Madawaska Highlands. (b) shall consider and use information available from the records review and interviews in conducting this investigation. Examples of some of the natural heritage areas located in each ecoregion was obtained from Gray et al. [3] The ACC carries up to 150 Sverdrups (150 million cubic meters per second), equivalent to 150 times the volume of water flowing in all the world's rivers. Climate Change Research Information Note No. c {\displaystyle c_{f}} Drainage is generally very poor due to the shallow gradient of the terrain and the low permeability of the substrates. Glacial Features of the Canadian Lakehead Area. vlvula de contrapresso back radiation (counterradiation) radiao refletida back reaming manobra de limpeza; back reaming sada e entrada no poo com a tubagem para limpeza (Port. Grand Forks Air Force Base (AFB) (IATA: RDR, ICAO: KRDR, FAA LID: RDR) is a United States Air Force installation in northeastern North Dakota, located north of Emerado and 16 miles (26km) west of Grand Forks. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Queens Printer for Ontario, Peterborough, Ontario. Chapman. Inquires about, and as practicable, investigations sufficient to obtain and document the following: i. details and locations of wells described or defined under the Ontario Water Resources Act and the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act. (i) Where any Action has been Taken to Reduce the Concentration of Contaminants on, in or under a Phase Two Property. c This glossary of geography terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in geography and related fields, including Earth science, oceanography, cartography, and human geography, as well as those describing spatial dimension, topographical features, natural resources, and the collection, analysis, and visualization of geographic data. As of [insert date of completion of risk assessment report], it is my opinion that, (pick the applicable statement below), i. no risk management plan is necessary for a contaminant of concern addressed in the risk assessment report to prevent, eliminate or ameliorate any adverse effect from that contaminant to the human or ecological receptors addressed in the report and located on the RA property, or. The clerk of any upper-tier municipality in which the property is located. (2) The property meets the applicable full depth background site condition standards for the prescribed contaminants, in relation to the type of property use for which the record of site condition is filed, if the following criteria are satisfied: 1. The Huronian Supergroup and Associated Intrusive Rocks. This is described by the endmember case in which the Rouse number is equal to 0 (i.e. At the eastern end of the ecoregion, bedrock conglomerates and slates have been covered with glaciolacustrine clays and sands (Williams, 1991; Williams et al.., 1991). Annual precipitation ranges from 654 to 879 mm, and mean summer rainfall from 231 to 298 mm. Erratum: Site Regions Revisited: A Climatic Analysis of Hills Site Regions for the Province of Ontario Using a Parametric Method. (5) Despite subsection (4), in areas of known, widespread soil contamination, where it is not possible to avoid the influence of historical industrial emissions to soil surfaces, the sampling program may still be undertaken if, (a) it is designed to determine the change in contaminant of concern concentration as it varies with increased depth from the surface; and. travel purposes, such as a railway station or an airport passenger terminal, or like purposes, or. (2) Based on the review, interpretation and evaluation, the qualified person shall prepare a phase two conceptual site model of the phase two property that demonstrates the current condition of the phase two property or, where remedial actions have been undertaken, the condition of the phase two property before the remedial actions were undertaken. 4. (1) A report may be used by a qualified person as a phase one environmental site assessment report in a record of site condition or used as a phase one environmental site assessment report in planning, conducting or supervising a phase two environmental site assessment, for the phase one property that is the subject of the report or an RSC property within it, if. Planning site investigation, specific requirements. (ii) the completion of those components required under this Part that were not completed before October 1, 2004. O.Reg. q 11. (c) analyze the sources of uncertainty in the data used to conduct the hazard assessment, including any gaps or variability in the data and state how such uncertainty could affect the assessment. With the exception of local outliers, this ecozone contains all of the Precambrian bedrock in the province. 2. The surficial geology is varied and includes extensive areas of exposed bedrock and ground moraine and associated terminal and interlobate moraines (Agutua-Windigo, Big Beaver House, and Sachigo). Some of the best examples of North American alvar vegetation are located in the ecoregion. Soper, J.H. 153/04, s.48(1); O. Reg. Because of this, all lands and waters situated south of the Antarctic Convergence are considered to belong to the Antarctic from a climatological, biological and hydrological standpoint. that there is a basis for any required certifications. (a) the samples are handled and stored in accordance with the Analytical Protocol; (b) the collection and chain of custody of samples is carried out in accordance with the requirements in Part VIII and Schedule E; (c) the analyses of the samples mentioned in clause (a) are carried out by a laboratory that, (i) has been accredited in accordance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirement for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, dated May 5, 2005, as amended from time to time, and. 2. One or more boreholes must be advanced to the top of the saturated zone. Coniferous forest dominates the landscape, with 29.9% of the area occupied by this land cover class. (4) If the Director requires that a notice be contained in the Registry under this section and the circumstances giving rise to the notice no longer exist, the Director may require that the notice be withdrawn from the Registry. O.Reg. Foster, and G.D. Racey. 3. 1976. in water Information Report LAU-X-114E. This is also important, for example, in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, to rebuild shoreline habitats also used as campsites. Make all reasonable inquiries, including reference to the Catalogue of Canadian Fire Insurance Plans 1875-1975, to obtain the fire insurance plans for all parts of the phase one property. b. grain size analysis shall be undertaken by an accredited laboratory, c. the predominant soil type from among all the areas must be determined based on analysis of the samples chosen in subparagraph a, and on borehole information, and. Crossman. {\displaystyle c_{s}} (4) Paragraph 7 of subsection (1) does not apply where the RSC property consists of land that is administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources under the Public Lands Act, but a description approved by the Surveyor General showing the RSC property, any RA property within which the RSC property is located and the phase one property and any phase two property within which the RSC property is located shall be contained in the RSC. Hills (1959, 1961, 1964), Burger (1993), Mackey et al.. (1996 a, b), Baldwin et al.. (1998), Wiken (1986), and Wiken et al.. (1996) have made significant contributions to our understanding of the factors and forces that shape the boundaries of large, landscape-level ecosystems in Ontario. Samples of the excess soil shall be collected. iii. 153/04, s.13(1). (1) If a property is used for more than one type of property use, the site condition standards that are applicable to the property are the standards that are applicable to the most sensitive type of property use. O.Reg. (1) The qualified person shall ensure that sediment samples are collected for all contaminants expected to be present on, in or under the phase two property and from locations on, in or under the phase two property that are most likely to have the contaminants present at concentrations above the applicable site condition standards. 511/09, s.7 (1). For the case in which sand fraction is transported by the current over and through an immobile gravel bed, Kuhnle et al. 3. (2) For the purpose of subsection 168.20 (10) of the Act, notice of compliance with an order shall set out the number and date of issue of the order, and the date on which the Director became satisfied that the order has been complied with. O.Reg. 153/04, s.16(1); O.Reg. Also cascade, cataract, or simply fall or falls. More than 57% of the ecoregion exists as cropland (44.4%), and pasture and abandoned fields (12.8%). Marie, Ontario. 3. Thompson (Editors). 1962. These include: These processes generally combine to give the hillslope a profile that looks like a solution to the diffusion equation, where the diffusivity is a parameter that relates to the ease of sediment transport on the particular hillslope. (2) The qualified person shall report the estimated soil and sediment quantities as measured in, or equivalent to, the in-ground volume in cubic metres.

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